Building Tsugi Applications in Django ------------------------------------- Make an account on Start a shell on PythonAnywhere and run these commands: cd mkvirtualenv django2 --python=/usr/bin/python3.6 workon django2 pip install django==2.1.7 We install an earlier version of Django to make sure that the vesion of SQLite works with your Django. Verify things worked by checing the Django version: python3 -m django --version git clone cd djtest pip install -r requirements.txt Then create the needed database file: python3 migrate In the PYAW web interface navigate to the Web tab to create a new web application. If you have not already done so, add a new web application. Select manual configuration and Python 3.6. Once the webapp is created, you need to make a few changes to the settings for the web app and your application. Create a duplicate tab in the current web browser with shell open. In the duplicate tab in top right corner click on the three line drop down and select Web. Click on Add a new web app. Click next until you get to Select a Python Web Framework. Select Manual Configuration. Select the Python version to be Python 3.6. Click Next to finish Manual Configuration for Web App. source code: /home/--your-account---/djtest working directory: /home/--your-account---/djtest virtualenv: /home/--your-account---/.virtualenvs/django2 Then edit the WGSI Configuration File and replace the contents of the file with the following code: import os import sys path = os.path.expanduser('~/djtest') if path not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, path) os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'djtest.settings' from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application from django.contrib.staticfiles.handlers import StaticFilesHandler application = StaticFilesHandler(get_wsgi_application()) Then restart your web application and attempt to go You should get redirected to an error detail page on since this is the launch URL. Adding to to an instance of Tsugi. Enter the password "tsugi" and select "Manage External Tools" and "Add Tool". The "Launch Endpoint" must be unique across the whole system. The simplest thing is to just use your account name on pythonanywhere. The name of the tool is a title and can have several words. The URL for receiving launches needs to be Here are my sample settings: Launch endpoint: drchuck Name of the tool: Dr. Chuck's Test Launch URL: Icon: fa-random Set the Additional Settings to the JSON shown below the field. Yes the field is only one line - the JSON will all fit and it will look better in the edit view. Ignore the pubic key for now - it is already hard-coded into djtest for this tutorial. Test launch the tool from the TsugiCloud store: Find your tool, click on "Details" and then "Test". This will test launch the tool from within Tsugi. It should work and show a button "Open in New Window" - press it and your tool should appear in a new tab. Launching from an LMS --------------------- Next we will launch your tool from Sakai. Make an account on Make a site, add the Lessons and Gradebook tools. Then in Lessons, "Add Content" -> "Add Learning App" and select "Dev1" from the list. If "Dev1" is not in the "Add Learning App" list have Chuck add it. Once you are in the "Add Learning App" dialog, scroll down and find your app and install it in Lessons. If you want to test grade flow, make sure to make a second student account to join your site and launch your tool to send back a grade that actually makes it to the gradebook. Instructors can't receive grades. Then, go back to your PythonAnywhere account, and edit the file ~/djtest/grade/templates/grade/main.html Add your name to the

tag, then go into the PythonAnywhere account Web Tab and "Reload" your application and then re-launch it from Sakai. Congratulations - you just built, installed, and modified a Django-based Tsugi tool.