Using LTI Advantage with Tsugi

LTI Advantage (LTI 1.3) is the latest integration standard between tools and LMS systems. LTI Advantage uses OAuth 2.0 and JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) and so it is more complex to set up than LTI 1.1 - which just needed a key and secret. Tsugi is certified as LTI Advantage compliant. These instructions can help guide you through your LTI Advantage installation.

Instructions/Details for Particular LMS Systems

We proves some detail specific to particular LMS systems:

This document covers the basics and concepts of LTI Advantage that apply to any LMS system as well as the strategy for migrating LTI 1.1 to LTI Advantage in general and within Tsugi in particular.

Data Required by the LMS

These are the data fields that Tsugi will provide to the LMS:

The keyset url is available after the Issuer is created in Tsugi. If the LMS wants all the values before it starts its process, you will need to create the Issuer in Tsugi with some dummy values and then edit the Issuer in Tsugi later and put in the real values.

Once the issuer has been created in the LMS they will also need the target_link_uri. This is most similar to the LTI 1.1 launch_url. It is the actual launch destination after the OIDC Connect flow has been completed.

For Tsugi if you are intending to send Deep Linking Requests (formerly known as Content Item Launches) to select tools and/or content use the endpoint like:

If you want to send normal launch requests, you need to choose an actual installed tool end point like:

For more detail on how these parameters are used in LTI Advantage, see Inside Advantage Launches and Services.

Data Required by Tsugi (the Tool)

These are the data fields that the LMS needs to provide to Tsugi:

All these values except deployment-id go into the Issuer entry in Tsugi. The deployment-id goes into the Tenant/Key in Tsugi. Keyset urls are not password protected. Since they only hold public keys, there is no particular need to hide or shield them.

For more detail on how these parameters are used in LTI Advantage, see Inside Advantage Launches and Services.

Creating an Issuer in Tsugi

The issuer captures all the details if the keys, secrets, urls and security contract with the LMS. Before you can create an access key (might be better called the tenant_key), you need to ceate an issuer.

Go into the Tsugi Administration tool and select Manage Access Keys. Add a New Issuer. You will see a screen that shows the OIDC Connect and OIDC Redirect endpoints. They are the same across all issuers. You will see that the OAuth 2.0 KeySet is not yet defined because it is different for each issuer. You can see the complete keyset URL after you create the issues and view its data.

Sometimes the LMS needs our Tool keyset URL before giving you any of their data values. It is somewhat of a chicken and egg problem. But it is easy to solve.

Create an Issuer with fake random data for any of the fields (issuer, client-id, key set URL, token retrieval URL) that the LMS won't provde you in advance.

Then immediately view the issuer. At that point you should see all the data that the LMS needs. Typically the LMS will need the tool public key, the tool keyset url, openID connect endpoint, and tool redirect endpoint.

Provide these values to your LMS and they should be able to create your client in their system and give you back their issuer, your client-id in their system, and the lms keyset URL if you don't already have it.

Now edit the issuer entry in Tsugi, and replace the fields you filled with random stuff with the real values and save the issuer.

Tenant / Keys in Tsugi

Once you have a new Issuer / CLient-Id, you can associate the issuer with a tenant/key. A "tenant" is like the oauth_consumer_key from LTI 1.1. In LTI 1.3/Advantage the deployment_id within an issuer/client-id pair maps to a tenant.

The key structure is where you solve the problem of migrating from LTI 1.1 to LTI Advantage if you already have an LTI 1.1 relationship with an LMS. Tsugi can simultaneously support LTI 1.1 and LTI Advantage launches if your key/tenant is set up properly.

Creating a New LTI Advantage Only Key/Tenant

To create a tenant/key to receive launches, once you have successfully configured the issuer in Tsugi and the LMS, insert a new key. Make the OAuth Consumer Key be the client-id from the LMS and leave the consumer secret blank. Set the deployment_id from the information provided by the LMS. Select the issuer you just created from the drop-down and save the key.

Caliper key and Url are optional. The user_id is also optional and can left as zero since for now in Tsugi LTI Advantage does not have an end-user provisioned option.

Migrating an LTI 1.1 Key/Tenant to LTI Advantage

Go into an exsiting tenant/key with an oauth_consumer_key and secret. Set the deployment_id (string) and select the issuer and save the entry. Tsugi sill simultaneously accept LTI 1.3 launches for (issuer, client-id, and deployment_id) and LTI 1.1 launches with oauth_consumer_key and secret.

If you want to later disallow LTI 1.1 launches for this tenant/key, simply set the secret to be empty.

A Sample Tsugi Issuer Entry

Issuer Key

LTI 1.3 Client ID (from the Platform)


LTI 1.3 Platform OAuth2 Well-Known/KeySet URL (from the platform)

LTI 1.3 Platform OAuth2 Bearer Token Retrieval URL (from the platform)

LTI 1.3 Platform OIDC Authentication URL (from the Platform)

LTI 1.3 Tool Keyset Url

LTI 1.3 OpenID Connect Endpoint

LTI 1.3 Tool Redirect Endpoint

Copyright Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 - Charles R. Severance